Congratulations to Dana Layo, Brett Emery and James Buchanan for applying and receiving the Global Catalyst Student International Travel Grants. https://globalgrants.utk.edu/stutravel-grant/
The funds will be used to travel and present our research at the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) conference at Glasgow, UK in July 2020. It will be the 1st international conference for our lab!
Congrats to Mahircan Yağan on his Spring Semester Research Assistant Award in the lab from ORE at UTK!
Happy New Year to all! Wishing everyone good physical & mental health, meaningful time with friends/family & strength to fight the good fight in whatever arena you choose.
Dr. Billy Lau‘s first author paper has been accepted at Journal of Neuroscience. Congratulations, Dr. Lau!
Experience dependent plasticity and Rett Syndrome
Press release from UTK about the work
Excited to announce that we will receive Summer Undergraduate Research Group Experience (SURGE) program funding from UTK ORE to continue our maternal behavior work next Summer with undergraduate students!
Dana Layo, Parker Stevenson, James Buchanan and Shahin Ahmadi presented data from 4 different projects at the annual NeuroNET retreat. They did a great job with 2-minute platform presentations and poster sessions afterward! So proud of all the trainees!!
Many members of the lab attended this years Strollathon in Athens,TN. They all did a great job helping raise money and awareness for Rett Syndrome!
Our first lab manuscript is a preprint in bioRxiv!
We celebrated with breakfast at lab meeting!
We had our first lab retreat to start the semester off to a good start. We discussed project updates, organization, communication & expectations. Later in the afternoon, we were off to a pool party.
In addition to 13 returning undergraduate students, we welcomed 7 new students this year making our undergraduate student population total to 20 students! We also welcome Mike Mykins, a 2nd year graduate student in BCMB to the lab.
Our new members are:
- Mahircan Yagan, Senior in BCMB
- Sami Ahmed, Senior in BCMB
- Daniel Kim, Senior in Neuroscience
- Simone Li, Sophomore in BCMB
- Hannah Lee, Freshman in Biology
- Sarah Perez, Freshman in Biology
- Shahin Ahmed, Research Assistant
In addition to a very productive Summer in the lab, the Krishnan lab organized a volleyball tournament to raise funds and awareness for Rett Syndrome. Rett Syndrome affects a young girl’s communication, motor, and cognitive functions. The Krishnan lab will participate in the 2nd Tennessee Strollathon for Rett Syndrome, under the team name “Vols love Angels”. For more information and donations to support, please visit https://www.strollathon.org/volsloveangels.
Over 40 people from different departments including BCMB, Microbiology, Chemistry and Physics participated in the tournament. Total funds raised thus far is $250. Team J composed of Jonelle Basso, Rosela Golloshi, Gary LeCleir, Frank May, Jared Smith and Naomi Gilbert won the tournament.
We traveled to Bloomington, IN for the Society for Behavioral Endocrinology meeting. Dr. Krishnan gave a symposium talk on perineuronal nets, while Dr. Billy Lau and Ms. Dana Layo had poster presentations. It was a wonderful and stimulating meeting!
We have had a productive and exciting Spring semester! I am very proud of ALL the lab members who contributed to our research mission with hard work and dedication this Spring.
Summer Internships:
Parker Stevenson, a recipient of the Office of Research Engagement at UTK Summer Assistantships, will be in the Krishnan lab.
Brett Emery, a recipient of the Medical Explorations Program, will be visiting labs in Germany and The Netherlands, for a month. She also received the Office of Research Engagement at UTK Summer Assistantship, will spend rest of the Summer in the Krishnan lab.
Radha Awasthi will be in the lab of Dr. Sergei Kalinin, Director of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Institute for Functional Imaging of Materials.
Matthew Everett will be at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC neuroSURF fellowship program at Virginia Tech Carillion School of Medicine.
James Buchanan will be at a medical internship program at University of Alabama, Birmingham, as part of the SHEP Summer Program.
Josephine Waller will be interning at the New York Presbyterian Hospital in NYC.
Kristopher Reynolds will be in Dr. George Whitesides lab in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University. His internship is administered through the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
Brett Emery and Matthew Everett received an Award of Excellence for their EuRECA poster presentation from the College of Arts and Sciences at UTK.
Parker Stevenson won an Office of Research and Engagement Silver Award for her EuRECA poster presentation.
Kristopher Reynolds won the Carolyn W. Fite Scholarship recognizing outstanding BCMB undergraduate major who demonstrates professional promise through an excellent academic record and interest in research and scholarship.
Dr. Keerthi Krishnan was awarded the Office of Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year award.
Anushree Kumar, Simran Dayal and Kendra Phillips will be graduating this May. Congratulations to all of you on your achievements here at UTK! Stay in touch with us.
January 9, 2019
The Krishnan lab has some new members to start the Spring semester. Welcome new and returning members! We are now 15 members strong. Can’t wait to see what we all discover and learn as a team.
New members:
Andrew Cherosky, Sophomore, Biology
Josephine Waller, Sophomore, BCMB
David Skinner, Junior, BCMB
Carter Sanders, Senior, BCMB
Kendra Philips, Senior, BCMB
December 3, 2018
We had our annual lab party to celebrate the end of the semester and year. We played games, had good food, and got to know each other better. Our lab has grown quite a bit with undergraduate students this past Fall. Grateful for all the hard work, dedication and exciting lab atmosphere they bring.
November 7, 2018
Our lab participated in the NeuroNET retreat in the beautiful Mossman Building at UTK. Dana Layo and James Buchanan gave 3-minute platform presentations and discussed their work in posters.
Other students (Raymond Senu, Brett Emery, Sarah-Anne Bowyer, Radha Awasthi, Kristopher Reynolds, Matthew Everett) along with Billy engaged in asking questions and learning about neuroscience research being conducted at UTK and associated institutions.
October 27, 2018
Many members of Krishnan lab traveled to Vanderbilt University to participate and engage in Rett Syndrome Education Day. We had a wonderful opportunity to meet with families and individuals affected by Rett Syndrome; and clinical and basic research scientists finding ways to treat people with this disorder. It was inspirational and hopeful!
October 25, 2018
Matthew Everett was awarded a research grant in the amount of $2500 from the Chancellor’s Honors Program. Congratulations, Matthew!!
He will utilizing these funds to study behavior and neural circuitry of a mouse model of CDKL5 disorder, a neurodevelopmental disorder with some similarities to Rett Syndrome.
October 14, 2018
Lady Vols softball plays SEC rival Kentucky Wildcats and dedicates the game to Rett Syndrome Awareness
We had the wonderful opportunity to meet Ms. Melissa Kennedy, Executive Director of Rett Syndrome.org and share our mutual interests and research directions.
September, 2018
We have our new lab members! So excited to see what we get done this semester.
Welcome to the Krishnan Lab!
Simran Dayal, Bioengineering major, Senior
Joseph Zakaria, BCMB major, Sophomore
Sarah-Anne Bowyer, BCMB major, Sophomore
James Buchanan, Chemical Engineering major, Sophomore
Cat Trieu, Neuroscience major, Sophomore
Kristopher Reynolds, Biology major, Sophomore
Raymond Senu, BCMB major, Sophomore
Radha Awasthi, Freshman
Sehee Hwang, Freshman
Meet the new undergraduate students joining the Krishnan lab here soon!
Positions have been filled of the 2018-2019 school year.
August, 2018
Moving into new Mossman Laboratory Building
ICN Meeting Fabric Poster
July 2018
Izabella & Delaney NeuroNet Presentation and Graduation Party
April 2018
End of the Year Party
Rett Strollathon
September 2017
Rett Syndrome Fundraiser Volleyball Tournament
August 2017